Early Red One

Tree Characteristics
Chilling requirement | Medium to high |
Vigour | Strong |
Growth habit | Upright |
Crotch angles | Medium |
Tree size | Medium |
Flowering | 3rd week October (Witzenberg Valley, Ceres) |
Full bloom | 4th week October (Witzenberg Valley, Ceres) |
Flower shape | Rosaceous |
Pollen compatibility | Self incompatible |
Bearing habit | On both spurs and shoots |
Disease susceptibility (Normal sprays) | Normal |
Pollinator | Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Hillieri |
Fruit set | Good |
Blossom or fruit | Fruit |
Intensity of flowers | High |
Fruit Characteristics
Harvest date (first pick) | 4th week February (Witzenberg valley, Ceres) |
Control cultivar | Top Red |
Production (kg/tree) | Very Good |
Fruit size distribution | Large 180g |
Shape | Conical |
Skin colour | Full dark red with white spots |
Flesh colour | Creamy white |
Eating quality | Good, sweet |
Texture | Crisp |
Storage ability | Good |